by Aneleise Ruggles | March 17, 2019
Artist Name:
Ann Hablanian
Where are you from?
Watertown and Yarmouth, MA
What is your primary artistic medium?
Acrylic, oils, pastels, multimedia
Please talk a little bit about your artistic practice. What does your creative process look like? Where do you create your artwork? How long does one piece take to create from start to finish?
Depends what inspires me at the moment. I paint mainly insid and recently also outdoors. One to three sessions mostly two to three hours each.
How do you approach creating a self-portrait?
Sudden impulse. Sometimes to use up remaining paint on my pallet and the presence of a mirror.
Why do you choose to create self-portraits? Why do you think it is important for artists to create self-portraits?
Ready subject matter. A quick study. Concept of mirror image and change in perception. A sort of psychological exploration. Asking: “Who am I.”
What role does social media play in your artistic practice?
Ability to share and get quick responses hopefully from people you like and trust.
How do you think a stranger may "perceive" you based on the work that you create?
My work easily spans from realism to abstraction. Strangers most likely perceive me based on what they view within this range.
How do you think a stranger may "perceive" you based on your social media profile(s)?
Probably as an experimental artist and individual who loves art from the “primitive” to classic to modern in all media and in all its permutations. Not easily defined. A person who is both bold and subtle.