Mosesian Arts is excited to present an exhibition that finds inspiration in food!
Depictions of food have been around since antiquity. In mosaics and frescos from Roman times, wine, fruit, bread, and grains were depicted in private homes and temples. In later centuries, paintings portraying both religious and secular themes often incorporated food and drinks. The still life genre pioneered by the Dutch and Flemish masters has endured for centuries. From the early representations of lavish food displays of grapes, lobsters, game animals, and exotic fruit to the still life paintings of Cezanne and Warhol’s Cambell soup cans, artists have been fascinated by food. It is imbued with symbolism and is often used to make commentary on economic and social issues. In earlier times, food still life paintings represented wealth, and some illustrated the simpler meals of bread and fish of the less prosperous. Throughout the centuries, religious and symbolic works of art often incorporated fruit and other foods to express ideas of knowledge and enlightenment, to represent the cycles of life, death, and notions of good and evil.
Important Dates
Drop off Dates: Saturday, January 13, 2024, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM / Tuesday, January 16, 10:30 AM–3:00 PM
*Shipped work must be received no later than January 18, 2024
Exhibition Opens: January 26
Opening Reception: Thursday, February 8, 5:30–7:30 PM
Exhibition Closes: March 8
Artwork Pick Up: Saturday, March 9, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and Tuesday, March 12, 10:30 AM–3:00 PM
*Please note that the Mosesian Center for the Arts reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the exhibition timeline
Exhibiting Artists
Adam Adkison, Susan Altman, Alina Artyunova, Ivan Belanger, Micah Beree, Justin Barfield, Cat Bennett, Nancy Brooks, Capuccine Bourcart, Susan Bregman, Paula Pitman Brown, Eddie Bruckner, John Buron, Cristina Burns, Mara Callahan, Heather Classen, Marianne French Collins, Adam DeTour, Jean Denney, Sara Emara, Kathy Felgran, Wendy Wolfe Fine, Maryann Garlick, Jane Goldman, Christina Goodwin, Judy Haberl, Sung Jin Huh, Cindy Kennelly, Madeline Lee, Betsy Lenora, Jane Levin, Jessica Lomeli, Aura Lewis, Michael Migliori, Emily Manning–Mingle, Irina Moroz, Eiko Nishida, Peg O’Connell, Christine Palamidessi, Clara Panainte, Jonathan Ralton, Mark Richards, Alexandra Rozenman, Piya Samant, Cid Tamagno, Keith Tornheim, Saskia Van Vactor, Samantha Valentine, Meghan Littlefield-Whitston, Sally Young, Elizabeth Zeldin
Featured artwork: Mara Callahan, I Got the Pastries!
Thanks to our exhibition sponsor:
645 Mt Auburn St.
Watertown, MA