December 31 - December 31, 1969
Mosesian Center for the Arts
Creative Chats!

You're invited to Creative Chats!

The event is a way to gather creative people face-to-face to mingle, hear a featured conversation on the topic of creativity and the creative life, and then engage in the conversation themselves in small groups.

Come to get inspired, to reflect, and connect.

All people interested in creativity are welcome!

There will be coffee and light bites to perk up those non-morning types too!

Featured Conversation with Jamie Kallestad (starts 8:45 AM)

Matt Hanna of Little Local Conversations will lead a talk with Jamie Kallestad, a singer/songwriter and the Communications and Design Specialist for the Watertown Free Public Library. They'll chat around a topic that Jamie has been spending time pondering on within the topic of creativity and the creative life.

More info at


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