by Aneleise Ruggles | March 10, 2019
Artist Name:
Shari Wolf Boraz
Where are you from?
Lebanon, NH
What is your primary artistic medium?
Please talk a little bit about your artistic practice. What does your creative process look like? Where do you create your artwork? How long does one piece take to create from start to finish?
I usually have music playing in the background while I sew in my living room/studio. My musical choices range from progressive rock to classical. I prefer strong daylight, but have excellent halogen lighting too.
I hand-embroider on cotton, table linens, or textiles that I’ve hand-dyed or digitally created. Initially I have a faint notion that evolves as I: stitch; notice the undercurrents of my thoughts; and, do research.
Feminine Mystique was a photo of another piece of my art, that I manipulated with Photoshop, and printed on cotton. After lengthy study, I began when I noticed the essence of a feminine figure.
Hand-embroidery allows my imagery to emerge slowly from my subconscious; communicating to my eyes and fingers. I’m influenced by Jungian symbolism, and iconography found in ancient and biblical cultures.
How do you approach creating a self-portrait?
I can't help but use myself as a model in most the work I do because that's the face and body I see everyday. In this case I took a picture of my torso and matched it with the curves I saw in the fabric.
Why do you choose to create self-portraits? Why do you think it is important for artists to create self-portraits?
I do self portraits because I'm a an easy reference point. Through the creation of my art I realize self truths that have often been hidden from my conscious mind.
What role does social media play in your artistic practice?
Social media plays little role in my artistic practice. But I use the internet extensively to research images and ideas. in Feminine Mystique I started with my torso, and then did researched images of:
Elizabethan historical couture
Flemish Dresses
Netherlandish women’s clothing
Teddy Lingerie
Boudoir lingerie
Body stocking
Vintage Circus
Cirque du soleil costumes
Female harlequin
Ballet Costume
How do you think a stranger may "perceive" you based on the work that you create?
I hope they perceive me as a creative genius.
How do you think a stranger may "perceive" you based on your social media profile(s)?
I imagine that a stranger may perceive me as a somewhat sweet middle aged lady who occasionally does some surprising things.
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